
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The New Girl in the Gym

You know that feeling. You haven't exercised since you saw the inside of the high school gym. You are only just entering the real "gym" that you signed up to. You worry about what others will think. Will they know I am a newbie? Will the wonder why I don't know how to use the equipment? We have all been there and worried about what our gym journey will reward us with. I had only been to a gym once before with a friend who showed me how to work the equipment. This was a completely new gym and I was all alone. It was wide open space not sectioned off like the old one. What was I going to do?

I walked in to the new gym and it hit me everyone could see me no matter what machine I was on. I did not want to look like a newbie who didn't know what do. So I played it off and moved to a new machine when I couldn't figure out why the machine I was on wouldn't turn on and work. I thought to myself, "What do I have to do to turn it on?". I decided that I would go to the one machine that I knew how to work. The treadmill became my best friend that first day. I would walk for a long time on it and observe around me how others were turning on the machines. I would scan then room noting in my head, "Okay, I start moving on it and it lights up."

I had figured out this encrypted code that a newbie like me didn't know. The machines here were self powered which means you had to peddle on the bike or start walking on the elliptical to make the lights and machines come on to track miles and etc. The machines my friend had shown me at the old one were always on and just press a button and go. I then decided to take the the big leap and try a new machine out. I walked over the ellipticals and got on one that was in the very back row where no one could see me. I stepped up onto it and started peddling. I learned something that day. Every gym is different with their equipment. My old gym elliptical didn't lift my knees as high as this one. I felt like I was exerting myself twice as much I did in the past. I figured out that I wouldn't want to use this as a warm-up or when I had knee pains. I decided I would walk on the treadmill for the majority of the workouts. I took notes and learned what would work for me. I then walked over to the bikes and sat down on a recumbent bike. I peddled my heart out and got a good sweat working out on it. I was pleased I had figured it out.  I knew how to work all the cardio machines. Well, except the row machine but, that is to come. Wooo Objective 1 is complete!

My next task was probably the most awkward. I had to figure out the weight machines. Those intimidating things that you see mostly fit people using. I walked around the weights area looking for the first machine I wanted to learn. Do I want to try the one I lay on my stomach? Do I want to use my body weight? Do I want to just want to try the pull down bar? I couldn't decide. It took a good while walking around to decide on two machines to try for the day. I can't tell you the exact names as I don't remember them but I ended up using a machine for the shoulders and I believe it is a called a leg press. This was definitely going to be interesting.

I sat down on the shoulder machine look at the weights I could set it to and wondered what I should set it to. I did the only thing I could think of and started at 5lbs and slowly went upwards by 5lbs. I kept going up til it felt that I was just throwing the machine handles forward. I sat there and did 5 reps 5 times once I was solid on the weight that I felt comfortable at. Yes I had a couple people stare at me when I was figuring out the seat and adjusting the weights. I tried my best to ignore them. I got up and moved on to the leg press. I adjusted the seat to make sure my knees were at a 90 degree angle when I placed them against the plate. I was comfortable and getting ready to do the same thing that I did on the other machine. Well, I wasn't planning but, a guy walked up sat on the machine right next to me which made it real awkward.

The machine was sideways so when you were sitting on it you stare directly at the machine beside it if you just look forward. I adjusted my weights and kept checking if it was to light. Then, He looked at me and stared. He was literally 2 feet away from me and staring at me full on looking at me in the eyes. I just felt so awkward. I wondered what he was staring at. I mean for a new person in a gym it was just so intimidating because he wasn't even saying anything or using the machine he was on. He was just sitting there.... staring. You might have thought I would have said something but I did not. I was worried about doing some reps on the machine to feel more comfortable with it then moving on. I sat back and continued to adjust my weight and go on merry way. I did 5 reps 5 times. Woo Objective 2 complete!

I had completed what I set out to do. I had not let people get in my way and my lesser knowledge. I made sure to set my objectives to something I felt I could achieve for one day. I learned how to turn on the cardio machines and adjust speeds. I also learned 2 of the multitude of weight machines available. I plan on learning 2 more machines every couple days that I go to the gym. This is because it gives times for my muscles to rest and be ready to go for the next machine I am learning. I don't want to feel tired using a new machine because I could possibly hurt myself if I do. I know you may feel out of place at a new gym but make the most out of it. Also, observe if you are not sure what to do and read all signs on machines. If you absolutely can't figure out a machine then, ask an employee if they can help you. I am sure the majority of them they are more than willing. It may be tough and hard. You may feel like you are the only one but, remember everyone you see started somewhere. They didn't just wake up one morning having muscle or look the way they look. So stick to it and you will be one of them soon.

Credits:  All photos credits go directly to their rightful photographers. I did not take these photos nor do I own them.

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